Access for Riu Class members
Please enter here your customary Riu Class card number and corresponding password. Here in Riu-Shop all Riu Class members can treat yourselves to rewards by redeeming your collected Riu Class points.
Do you have further questions about the Riu Class program or about logging in? Please visit Riu Class or simply send us an e-mail.

Access for registered travel agents
Please enter here your customary Riu PartnerClub code and corresponding password.
Have you forgotten your access data or do you have further questions about the RIU PartnerClub or logging in? Please send us an email to e-mail or call us on+34 871 966296.

Login now
If you already have a Riu-Shop account (without the Riu Program), please access here.
Unfortunately you cannot redeem your Riu points here!
Create a Riu-Shop account without the Riu Class Program1
Open your Riu-Shop account for purchases exclusively in euros (€) here.
Unfortunately you cannot redeem your Riu points here!
1 Are you still not enrolled on the Riu Class Program?
The Riu Class Program is a loyalty programme with benefits and exclusive discounts for Riu Hotels & Resorts customers. By registering with Riu Class you can collect points for each of your stays with Riu and enjoy many advantages. To register with Riu Class and for further information, please go to Riu Class.
The Riu Class Program is a loyalty programme with benefits and exclusive discounts for Riu Hotels & Resorts customers. By registering with Riu Class you can collect points for each of your stays with Riu and enjoy many advantages. To register with Riu Class and for further information, please go to Riu Class.